Higashiyama-ku Kyoto Speciality:Pickles Nishidaya Nishidaya, Kyoto pickles shop. Shibazuke pickles are very popular. Close to Imakumano Shrine, turn into east at Imakumano intersection. Popular Kyoto Tukemono, 31.07.2020 Guide2KyotoHigashiyama-ku
Sakyo-ku Kyoto Sweets: Ajari-mochi |Mangetsu Kyoto Sweets: Ajyari-mochi, Mangetsu : Glutinous skin mochi stuffed with light azuki bean paste. 31.07.2020 Guide2KyotoSakyo-ku
Sakyo-ku Nishio Yatuhashi no Sato|(西尾八ッ橋の里) Beautiful Soba or Udon noodle lunch with reasonable price around 1000 yen. Classic Japanese house with beautiful Garden inside you can view. 31.07.2020 Guide2KyotoSakyo-ku
Sakyo-ku Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art, Okazaki - Heian Jingu Great Torii Gate 31.07.2020 Guide2KyotoSakyo-ku
Nakagyo-ku Mikane Shrine| 御金神社 Money Fortune Shrine, It is a shrine decorated with golden torii gates. As a shrine related to money 31.07.2020 Guide2KyotoNakagyo-ku
Kamigyo-ku Goou Shrine| 護王神社 The shrine that is associated with wild boars and a guardian deity for feet and legs. The deity is Wakeno Kiyomaro and his sister Hiromushi. 31.07.2020 Kamigyo-kuGuide2Kyoto
Nara_Local Kituki Shrine |杵築神社 Kituki Shrine Local shrine close to Tomio Station 27.07.2020 Guide2NaraNara_Local
Nara_Local Ryosenji Temple | 霊仙寺 Ryosenji Temple 3879 Nakamachi, Nara, Tomio Station 26.07.2020 Guide2NaraNara_Local
Nara_Local Kuzugami Shrine|葛上神社 Kuzugami Shrine|葛上神社 建速須佐命 (たけはやすさのお の みこと)Takehayasusanoo no mikoto : Kintetsu Tomio Station 26.07.2020 Nara_LocalGuide2Nara