Kyoto Speciality:Pickles Nishidaya 

Close to Imakumano Shrine, turn into east at Imakumano intersection. Popular Kyoto Tukemono, Pickles shop NishidaYa. I bought this time “Shibazuke,しば漬” “KobuDaikon,こぶ大根” “MizuNasuZuke, 水なす漬”

Shibazuke: Very popular, Kyoto-style chopped vegetables pickled in salt with red shiso leaves.
KobuDaikon: Radish with kelp.
MizuNasu: Kyoto Eggplant

MizuNasu , Eggplant

Not so salty, but bit sweet.

Radish with kelp.
Very good, Shibazuke.


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