Kyoto city – Kita-ku(ward) area, Golden pavilion, Kitano Tenmangu shrine, etc

Japanese garden with a pond and things to see.
池泉回遊式庭園Chisen Kaiyushiki teien 鏡湖池kyokochiThe garden of the Golden Pavilion is a type of Japanese garden which is called...

Golden Pavilion – Shariden
Golden Pavilion 舎利殿 =Shari-den: Shari means "remains of Buddha", Shariden is the place where keep the remains of Buddha.

When and Why the Golden Pavilion was built?
When was Muromachi Era? Why the 3rd of Ashikaga Shogun, Yoshimitsu built the Temple of The Golden Pavilion?

The origin of the name
The origin of the name Kinkakuji(金閣寺)