1. Fushimi Inari shrine |First Torii Gate
First Torii Gate ~ Romon : JR Inari Station & Honmachi Street, The approach…
2. Fushimi Inari Shrine| Gehaiden~Honden
Gehaiden: The Stage hall to offer the dances to the God. Mazumamaro Shrine: God of…
3. Senbon Torii Gate~Okusya
Gonden ~SenbonTorii~Okusya Gonden & Torii Gate Gonden is a place where the gods are temporarily…
4. Oyama Meguri: Tour to Mt. Inari
“Oyama meguri” is the tour to the every summit of the Mt. Inari to worship….
5. Fushimi Inari| Kumatakasya
Fushimi Inari| Okusyo Hohaisyo ~Kumatakasya Neagari no Matsu, Fushimi Kandakara Jinjya, Otsuka at Kumatakasya, Kumatakasya…
6. Fushimi Inari| Kumatakasha ~ Yotsuji
Fushimi Inari| Kumatakasha~Mitsuji~Yotsuji: Yotuji 4 directions at intersection, Tanakasya Shinseki (Kojin-mine) is to left, Gozendani…