Todaiji About Nandaimon(South Big Gate) About Nandaimon (South Gate))- Reconstruction of the Kamakura period - The Superior Monk, CHOGEN Shonin, Kongo-Rikishi-zo: Two Buddhist Guardian King Statue & The Stone lion Guardian. 29.06.2020 Guide2NaraTodaijiNara Deer Park
Guide2Nara Heijo(Nara) Era Heijo(Nara) Era : 84 years when the Heijo-kyo capital city was in Nara the Emperor Shomu believe the Buddhism idea of protection of the nation. He took Buddhism power as a government policy to protect and maintain the nation. 26.06.2020 Nara Deer ParkGuide2NaraTodaiji
Todaiji About Todai-ji Temple Todai-ji Temple, Emperor Shomu founded the Todai-ji and the Great Buddha Statue. Kokubunji and Kokubunniji System. When and Why todaiji-temple was built. The monk called Ganjin, Chogen and Roben, and also Keiha school of Buddhist sculptors 16.06.2020 Guide2NaraTodaijiNara Deer Park
Japanese-Language Kyoto Nara – World Heritage Sites – The list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kyoto and Nara 13.06.2020 Japanese-LanguageWords4Travel
Japanese-Language 47 Prefectures and City The List of Prefectures in Japan, How to write and read in Japanese.The Prefectures of Japan (都道府県 Todōfuken) consist of... 12.06.2020 Japanese-LanguageWords4Travel
Japanese-Language Basic | Number 日本語 基礎単語 数字 Basic Words -Number 12.06.2020 Japanese-LanguageJapanese-Basic
Japanese-Language Words|Body Parts 単語(たんご)Tango - Words体(からだ)Karada -body の 部分(ぶぶん)Bubun - partsIf you click on the words, you can listen the pronunciati... 11.06.2020 Japanese-LanguageJapanese-Basic
Japanese-Language HIRAGANA KATAKANA HIRAGANA ひらがな KATAKANA カタカナ 11.06.2020 Japanese-LanguageJapanese-Basic
Kita-ku Japanese garden with a pond and things to see. 池泉回遊式庭園Chisen Kaiyushiki teien 鏡湖池kyokochiThe garden of the Golden Pavilion is a type of Japanese garden which is called... 07.06.2020 Guide2KyotoKita-ku
Kita-ku Golden Pavilion – Shariden Golden Pavilion 舎利殿 =Shari-den: Shari means "remains of Buddha", Shariden is the place where keep the remains of Buddha. 07.06.2020 Kita-kuGuide2Kyoto