お寺: 仏像が祀られ、僧侶、仏教の出家者が住み、修行する場所である


Yokushiji| Genjo Sanzoin

Genjo Sanzoin, Yakushiji North Gate(Yorakumon) Genjo Sanzo Precinct - Honbo Jimusyo - Raimon - Genjyoto(Xuang Zang Pagoda) Kintetu Kashihara Line – Nishinokyo Station

Yakushiji| Kondo – West & East Pagoda

West Pagoda & East Pagoda (Saito) - East Pagoda Tower (To-To) - Kondo – Main Hall Yakushi Triad - Daikodo – Large Lecture Hall

Yakushiji | Toindo

Toindo (東院堂) Sho-Kanzeon Bosatsu image Syoro (Bell Tower) - Lotus Flower - Jikido (the dining hall) Fudo-do

Yakushiji| South Gate – Minamimon

Yakushiji| South Gate - Minamimon - Chumon : History - Yakushiji was built in 680 at the wish of the Emperor Tenmu, the 40th Emperor, at the Fujiwara Capital in Asuka, and transferred to its current site, Nishinokyo

Nishihaten Shrine & Kannonji Temple

Nishihaten Shrine & Kannonji temple, very small local shrine and temple, 5mins walk from Yakushiji temple

Ryosenji Temple | 霊仙寺

Ryosenji Temple 3879 Nakamachi, Nara, Tomio Station

Tamonin Temple | 多聞院

Tamonin Temple | 多聞院

About Nandaimon(South Big Gate)

About Nandaimon (South Gate))- Reconstruction of the Kamakura period - The Superior Monk, CHOGEN Shonin, Kongo-Rikishi-zo: Two Buddhist Guardian King Statue & The Stone lion Guardian.

Heijo(Nara) Era

Heijo(Nara) Era : 84 years when the Heijo-kyo capital city was in Nara the Emperor Shomu believe the Buddhism idea of protection of the nation. He took Buddhism power as a government policy to protect and maintain the nation.

About Todai-ji Temple

Todai-ji Temple, Emperor Shomu founded the Todai-ji and the Great Buddha Statue. Kokubunji and Kokubunniji System. When and Why todaiji-temple was built. The monk called Ganjin, Chogen and Roben, and also Keiha school of Buddhist sculptors
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