Local guide to Nara


Tamonin Temple | 多聞院

Tamonin Temple | 多聞院

Souno mi agata niimasu Jinja|添御県坐神社

Souno mi agata niimasu Jinja - Meaning of Name:One of the six Yamato State Shrines.

Isonokami Jingu|Yamanobe-no-michi

Isonokami Shrine, The first Torii Gate - Sacred Ceder Tree, Mirror Pond, - Sacred Birds - Romon-Haiden-Honden, Votive Table of Sacred Birds. The sacred sword Charm, Auxiliary Shrine Worship Hall ,Yamanobe no michi, Parking lot, Access Map

About Nandaimon(South Big Gate)

About Nandaimon (South Gate))- Reconstruction of the Kamakura period - The Superior Monk, CHOGEN Shonin, Kongo-Rikishi-zo: Two Buddhist Guardian King Statue & The Stone lion Guardian.

Heijo(Nara) Era

Heijo(Nara) Era : 84 years when the Heijo-kyo capital city was in Nara the Emperor Shomu believe the Buddhism idea of protection of the nation. He took Buddhism power as a government policy to protect and maintain the nation.

About Todai-ji Temple

Todai-ji Temple, Emperor Shomu founded the Todai-ji and the Great Buddha Statue. Kokubunji and Kokubunniji System. When and Why todaiji-temple was built. The monk called Ganjin, Chogen and Roben, and also Keiha school of Buddhist sculptors
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