Sangatudo ~ Syoro (Bell Tower)
Hokke-do (法華堂) also known as Sangatudo(三月堂)
Nigatudo and Sangatudo(Hokkedo)
The Hokke-dō is the oldest structure at Tōdai-ji, said to have been built between 740 and 747. Because the main image is a statue of Fukūkensaku Kannon, in the past the hall was known as the Kensaku-dō, however, since the Hokke-e (Lotus Sutra) ceremony was held in the hall in the third month of every year, it later came to be known as the Hokke-dō (Lotus Hall). The hall is made up of two parts, a rear section known as the image hall (shōdō), and a front section known as the worship hall (raidō). Originally these were two independent parallel structures. The present worship hall was rebuilt by Chōgen in 1199 and is attached to the image hall. The Hokke-dō was an important element in the complex of Kinshō-ji, the predecessor of Tōdai-ji. It is said that the first lectures on Avatam.saka Sutra in Japan were held inside. The statues housed inside call to mind the splendors of the Nara period.
Shigatudo(四月堂) also known as Sanmaido(三昧堂)
Syoro(鐘楼) Bonsyo(梵鐘)
Syoro(鐘楼) Bell Tower
The Bell Tower was built between 1207 and 1210 by the Zen priest Yōsai (1141-1215), who succeeded Chōgen. The elegant structure combines certain aspects of the Zen style of architecture with the “Daibutsu style.”
Bonsyo(梵鐘) Bell
The bell, which weighs 26.3 tons, dates from the time of the founding of Tōdai-ji. One of the 3 Famous Bells of Japan.
念仏堂 行基堂 俊乗堂