Todaiji| Nandaimon ~ Daibutuden

The Approach from Nandaimon (South Gate) to Daibutuden(Big Buddha Hall)

Todaiji Museum

Official Todaiji Museum web (Japanese only)
English :

The approach (参道Sando) East side

Todaiji East-South Hall designated as the historic site for Emperor Meiji’s temporary residence place in Nara in 1933. And Stone monument was founded.

The approach (参道Sando) West side

Todaiji Sub-temple “Shingon-in(真言院)” ”Kangaku-in(勧学院)” 

On the west side of the approach to Daibutuden Hall, There is the Todaiji Museum, Sub-temple, Shingon-in and Kangaku-in with old mud wall.

Iodate Shrine(五百立神社) Tetudo kuyou tower(鐵道供養塔)
Mirror pond – Kagami ike(鏡池) Natural monument Wataka fish

Daibutuden(Big Buddha Hall) Chumon(Middle Gate)

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