Words|Body Parts

単語(たんご)Tango – Words
体(からだ)Karada -body の 部分(ぶぶん)Bubun – parts

If you click on the words, you can listen the pronunciation in Japanese

Body 体 - karada
Head 頭 - atama
Face 顔 - kao
Neck 首 - kubi
Shoulder 肩 - kata
Arm 腕 - ude
Elbow 肘 - hiji
Wrist 手首 - tekubi
Hand 手 - te
Finger 指 - ubi
underarm 脇 - waki
Chest 胸 - mune
Stomach 腹 - hara
Back 背中 - senaka
Waist 腰 - koshi
Backside 尻 - shiri
Leg 脚 - ashi
Knee 膝 - hiza
Ankle 足首 - ashikubi
Heel 踵 - kakato
Foot 足 - ashi
Toe 爪先 - tumasaki
Forehead おでこ - odeko
Eye 目 - me
Nose 鼻 - hana
Mouth 口 - kuchi
Ear 耳 - mimi
Chin 顎 - ago


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